The Path of Art

It’s our honour to welcome you to this Spiritual journey filled with artistic expression.

Each one of the paintings is an Art piece representing a deep spiritual principle, concept, pure emotion, states of Being, Heart Energy just to name few of the categories.

It’s our intention that through the Art we may bring you to a higher sense of understanding at a non-cognitive  level while creating a more graceful alignment for living your highest possible destiny.

It’s our most profound desire that the paintings convey a message beyond mental comprehension and intellectual interpretation and rather awaken in you the pure essence of your Being opening new doors into  a life of Mastery.

All the pieces have been inspired, whispered  and painted with Angelic assistance and support. My eternal Praise, Love and Gratitude for the gifts and blessings received while in the painting sessions.

I would also like to mention that the entirety of the material associated with the Art work originates from the Seer Almine, the greatest mystic of our time.

Lastly, as I asked for final words of guidance to close this information and was about to pull a Sacred Rune from Deck 12 (given by The Seer Almine) this one jumped from the Deck:

Angel God: Prisatur
“Embracing the flow of a non-egoic life”