Sandra Saradesi

Sandra started her path as a Spiritual Artist in 2016  after 16 years of being a spiritual teacher, mentor and healer around the world. Her fascination and inspiration for the world of the Arts has been a long life joyful journey; attending art museums and exhibitions in multiple countries igniting her fire for art as a tool to express her spiritual path.

She registered for clases in oil painting and sketching courses in 2002. The appreciation for colour and patterns grew fonder in her heart.; it was until 2016 that Sandra listened to the whispers of her heart and took action to create the collection of “Elevated Emotions” that was showcased in Lisbon, Portugal in December 2019. 

The exhibition consisted of 13 paintings - oil on canvas- that illustrated the 12 Pair of Pure Emotions plus the painting for the gallery Invitation.  The Pure Emotions are at the core of the Angel Healing modality that was an intrinsic part her Spiritual path. Furthermore in 2020, the calling for Spiritual Art came in stronger and more clear bringing new inspiration to carry on with “The States of Inner Nature and Outer Nature”, a total of 54 new oil on canvas’ paintings, 12 pairs of State of Beings plus the 12 pairs of Heart Energies.

You can also find the most recent collection: “Flowering” composed of eight paintings in total, the Seven Chakras and the Unified Chakra Field.

The purpose of the Spiritual Art is to awaken others to a higher reality and expand peoples’ hearts gracefully through inspiration, creativity and joy! May your lives be forever changed and uplifted…

It’s my greatest honour to show you that
all lives within and without us, that separation is an illusion and the unreal is really real. Where Magic exists!!!